Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a gift for our boy

We had wanted to send something over to Wilson for him to have while he waits for us to come get him! So a couple days ago, we found out that there is another Bethany family in our area who are travelling over to get their kids, and said that we would be able to include something in their suitcase! So last night we went to the store, and got a couple things to send over to him. We got a little photo album, and put pictures of the three of us in it, and a couple of his grandparents as well. I also got some fleece material, and made a cute little tie blanket for him to snuggle with! I have also heard from a couple people too, that its a good idea to sleep with the blanket before you send it over, so it can have your smell when the baby gets it, so they can learn what you smell like...... :) So last night we slept with it in our bed, but I am not sure if one night really made much of a difference! ;) So I decided to spray it with my perfume, and Adam's cologne this morning before he took it over to the family bringing it for us. Hopefully Wilson can get something out of all that anyway.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

An update and a minivan!

Thought I would write a little post to let you all know that we got an update yesterday on Wilson! He seems to be doing very well right now, and we couldn't be more pleased with his update. It sounds like he sleeps very well(great thing for me! :), does well around other children, healthy, and was pretty much nothing on the update that we had to worry about. I am so excited just to meet our little boy, and just learn all the things about him that make him tick! We are still waiting to hear on a court date, but hope to hear in the next couple weeks on when that will be. In other Weber family news, we have splurged, and bought a minivan! We have thought about doing this for awhile, but figured now would be a good time since our family is expanding. And you know, we always like to do major life changes grouped together to make life more exciting that way! ;) Anyway, its a used 2008 dodge grand caravan. Couldn't be more excited, and this is fulfilling my mom vehicle dream! It will be very nice to have the extra room for trips since we barely fit both of us, plus a kid, plus all of our stuff. I will write more once we have more information, but for right now that is all I have! Until next time.....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Its official, and a name!

Today we went in and signed the paperwork to accept our referral! There was a little paperwork that we had to complete before we went in and signed our acceptance, but I had a little motivation to get it done as soon as I could! ;) Now we will just wait to hear about our court date. Its great to be on the other side of the referral now though, even though it will be more waiting. Its just nice to know what our little guy looks like, and know who he is! And drumroll please...................the name we came up for him is Wilson! We had tossed around a couple others, but thought that name would fit him the best. It seems almost surreal, but it has actually happened. After all the praying, and waiting, we have made it! It is possible! ;) On a side note, we signed Hudson up for swimming lessons, and tonight was his second night! Tonight he blew bubbles for the first time, and almost jumped in by himself! Its hard to believe he is going to be a big brother! But we are so excited, and look forward to our new stage of life with Wilson, and being a family of 4!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our referral!!!!!

I am very excited, and happy to say that our wait to know who our little boy is, is finally over! This morning, around 8:30, we received a phone call, and were told "congratulations, you are the parents of a little boy!" He is 7 months old, and healthy as can be! They are unsure about an actual birth date, but estimate it was in May 2008. We haven't come up with the name yet but I am sure I will post later what the "official results" are! :) We are both ecstatic, and I think are in shock still that we have a face to go with our child now. My nerves still feel like they are on overload! Now we will wait to hear about a court date. Once we get a court date, and actually pass court, we should get a travel call shortly after that, and be able to go and get our baby! I am so greatful to God that we have finally received this referral, and can't even tell you how many days and nights that I have prayed, "God, please, just tell us who our baby is!" It has been especially hard lately because, there have been a lot of peers around us either, having their baby, getting pregnant, etc. I feel like the parable about the judge, and the old lady, in the bible, who keeps coming back to the judge, and finally the judge gives in because of the lady's persistence. Not sure if it was my persistence in praying or God's timing though! ;) Anyway, we are thrilled, and can't imagine it being any better! We will post more details when we figure some things out, and get a little further along.......